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Bassline And 4x4 Uk Garage Vol 2 Free

Uk garage chart

'Samplestate is delighted to release the second volume of our best selling patch product designed for Native Instruments Massive. UK House, Garage and Bass Vol2, is again squarely focused on the all important bass patches for the genre and provides plenty of ammunition for all you garage, bass and UK house productions.Inspired from artists such as Gorgon City, Route 94, Disclosure, Shadow Child, My Nu Leng, Second City, Kry Wolf, Hannah Wants, Chris Lorenzo, Friend Within, Dusky, Claude Von Stroke, Catz & Dogs, Eats Everything, Breach, Cause & Effect and moreThis product features 60 bass patches for Native Instruments Massive. Each patch has all 8 macros carefully mapped to make each patch as instantly playable as possible. From distorted whap basses, to subs and effect basses this pack covers every type of bass used in UK House, Garage and Bass.Check out the demo for a feel of the quality of these patches. Please note that only bass patches are included, drums and other elements are within the demo for reference only.Please Note: Native Instruments Massive 1.4.0+ Required. Product Details:- NI Massive 1.4.0+ Patches- 60 Bass PresetsDownload SizesVersionCompressed Download SizeMassive Download includesFull Pack: 231 KB.When ordering the download product from Big Fish Audio you will be given one or more links for each of your product purchases. The links will be active for 24 hours.

During this time you should download the file and expand it. You can return to your Big Fish Audio account at any time and download your products. You will find your products in the 'My Products' area of your account page.License Agreement. The Following End User License Agreement is included with UK House, Garage & Bass: Massive Bass Presets 2. This License is only valid for the individual who has purchased an unopened, new and lawfully made copy of UK House, Garage & Bass: Massive Bass Presets 2 from a dealer or distributor authorized by Big Fish Audio.' COPYRIGHT/LICENSING NOTICE: All Rights not expressly granted to the user are reserved. The sound samples in this sample pack are licensed, not sold, to you to be reproduced within your original musical compositions only.


All copying, lending, duplicating, re-selling or trading of this product or its content is strictly prohibited. Only the original purchaser of this product has the right to embody and reproduce the enclosed sound samples within their music compositions. The Licensee may use the Sounds in combination with other sounds in music productions (which include soundtracks of such as films, video productions, radio/TV programs or commercials,computer games and multimedia presentations, library music), public performances, and otherreasonable musical purposes within musical compositions.The Licensee MAY NOT use the Sounds in isolation as sound effects (i.e. A sequence of musical events) or within any competitive products that are sold or relicensed to multiple third parties. In these scenarios the Licensee must arrange an extension with Samplestate Limited. This license is granted for a single user only (and is given on a worldwide basis).

The license is non-exclusive and is granted for the full period of copyright protection and sound samples. You cannot electronically transfer the sound samples or place them in a time -sharing or service bureau operation or a computer/sampler network.

Uk Garage Sample Pack

Opening or using this product constitutes your acceptance of these terms.'